Distributed Energy Systems Lab (Practical course)

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration6 SWS
TermWintersemester 2024/25
Language of instructionGerman
DatesSee TUMonline


At the end of the module, students are able to: - understand the functionality of different energy producers - understand the functionality of distributed energy systems - analyse and evaluate distributed energy systems - make measurements and interprete the results


The practical course "Distributed Energy Systems Lab" comprises the following: - 2 workshops that will boost students' practical knowledge of the field - 5 lab sessions during which students will conduct hands-on experiments under supervision - a final project spanning multiple weeks During the workshops, students will learn how to create simple electrical circuits, and how to use common measuring equipment. The lab sessions have a theoretical and a practical part each, and they will build on top of one other to improve the students' learning experience. The following topics, amongst others, will be covered: - experimental analysis of photovoltaic modules: Characteristic curves, temperature effects, shading and other suboptimal operating conditions. Different operating schemes shall also be analysed. - experimental analysis of electrical loads: Measurement strategies, plotting of load curves, analysis and comparison of different load types. - analysis of power electronics components in simulation and in practice - experimental analysis of generators: Comparison of synchronous and asynchronous generators, operation schemes and conditions of rotational machines, etc. In the last weeks of the semester, a hands-on final project will be realised in groups of three or four. The topics offered will be relevant to those discussed throughout the course. For example, students might build a microgrid consisting of PV modules, battery pack, inverter and realistic loads. At the end of the course, the final projects will be presented in front of an audience.


Basics in the following subjects: - electrical energy systems - renewable energy systems - power electronics - electrical machines - measurement equipment - Simulink

Teaching and learning methods

Students gain experience through implementing and performing the lab experiments and by critically discussing the results. Additionally, students apply individual learning styles during self-study and project work. The content is imparted by individual superviser-assisted experiment execution, individual introducing to basics and teacher-centered teaching of fundamental basics throgh projector and whiteboard. Questions are answered during discussions.


The modul exam consists of 3 weighted components: - 30% experimental execution: Specific questions during the experiment execution examine, wheather the student understand the specific execution steps and approaches and wheather he can implement them. - 40% written reports about 5 experiments: In the reports, the student shows that he understood the experimental content and that he can report them. - 30% hands-on project: During the project work, the student shows that he can realize the content of the experiments in an individual project. The presentation of the project is the basis for the grade.

Recommended literature

Mertens, Konrad: "Photovoltaik: Lehrbuch zu Grundlagen, Technologie und Praxis", Carl Hanser Verlag 2015, ISBN 978-3446442320 Kremser, Andreas: "Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe: Grundlagen, Motoren und Anwendungen", Springer Verlag 2016, ISBN 978-3658150747 Schröder, Dirk: "Elektrische Antriebe - Grundlagen", Springer Verlag 2009, ISBN 978-3642029899 Spring, Eckhard: "Elektrische Maschinen: Eine Einführung", Springer Verlag 2009, ISBN 978-3642008849
