Foto von Markus Döpfert

M.Sc. Markus Döpfert


  • 2021-today: Research Assistant - TU Munich
  • 2019-2020: Consultant for Renewable Energies - con|energy consult, Berlin
  • 2016-2018: Energy Engineering and Management, M.Sc. - Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
    • Master thesis: Portugal's Transition to a 100% Renewable Energy Sector by 2050
  • 2012-2016: Renewable Energy and Energy Management, B. Eng. - TH Aschaffenburg
    • Bachelor thesis: Production of Magnetic Nanowires for the Usage in an Energy Harvester

Research interests

  • Agent-based power system modeling and optimization on distribution grid level
  • Interaction between technical and economic side of the energy system
  • Production of high-resolution synthetic timeseries
