Informationen zum Kurs / Basic course information

Topics and information on registration and topic allocation

Please note the information below on the topics offered, the allocation of places and information on the procedure.
We offer extra topics for students on the “Master of Management and Technology - Specialization: Sustainable Energies” programme. These topics are reserved exclusively for this degree program.


Topics and information for the program: Master of Management and Technology - Specialization: Sustainable Energy

Topics and information for all other programs

Detaillierte Beschreibungen (falls verfügbar) / Detailed descriptions (if available)

Project Lab Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems ()

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration4 SWS
TermWintersemester 2024/25
Language of instructionEnglish
DatesSee TUMonline


After successfully completing the module, the student is - depending on the topic - able to: - recognize challenges of integrating renewable energies, - apply and implement appropriate tools and methods to analyze, plan or regulate energy systems, - interpret and evaluate results from applied models.


Participants of the Project Lab Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems should carry out analyses, planning and applications about renewable energy systems and their modeling. A team of 3-5 students should achieve a goal defined for the group over the duration of the lecture period of the semester within the framework of the project work. These are research-related and practice-oriented tasks whose topics are in line with the current research areas of the chair, such as: - Modeling, simulation and / or regulation of energy systems - Investigation of the potential of renewable energies - Analysis and generation of data for energy systems - Evaluation and interpretation of model results - Planning and installation of plants for the use of renewable energies on the Campus Garching


Basic knowledge about: - Power systems - Renewable energies (potentials, technologies) - Matlab / Simulink

Teaching and learning methods

Project tasks are carried out individually or preferably in groups of 2-4 students. In the process, self-dependence respectively teamwork is supported in the processing of a project task. Depending on the topic, a literature research may be necessary. The main part of the project internship, however, is the computer-aided development of analysis and evaluation tools or the planning and execution of laboratory tests or installations. The participants will finally have the opportunity to practice preparing and holding presentations.


The problem definition, role distribution, idea development as well as the choice of suitable instruments, implementation and documentation are to be developed essentially independently by the group. The essential aspects of the work within the framework of the project internship (e.g. essential scientific contents, the treatment of a task as a completed project, division of the task among the group members) should be documented in a written report (volume: 15-20 pages). In a supplementary presentation, the competence of the students to present their work in a structured way in a small seminar in front of an audience consisting of staff members of the chair and students will be examined. Overall, competencies in project work in the team as well as in documentation and presentation of the work should be demonstrated. The report is included in the grade with 40 %, the presentation and the cooperation in the team with 30%.

Recommended literature

Konstantin, Panos: Praxisbuch Energiewirtschaft - Energieumwandlung, -transport und -beschaffung, Übertragungsnetzausbau und Kernenergieausstieg, Springer Vieweg, Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, eBook ISBN 978-3-662-49823-1, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-49823-1, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-662-49822-4 Wagner, Ulrich; Heilek, Christian (Bearb.): Nutzung regenerativer Energien (Vorlesungsskript), 10., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, Herrsching, E & M, Energie-&-Management-Verl.-Ges., 2009, ISBN: 978-3-9805179-3-5 The Power of Transformation - Wind, Sun and the Economics of Flexible Power Systems, International Energy Agency, OECD/IEA, 2014, France, ISBN: 978 92 64 20803 2 Hillier, Frederick S., Lieberman, Gerald J.: Introduction to operations research, New York, McGraw-Hill Education, 2015, ISBN: 978-0-07-352345-3, 0-07-352345-3, 978-0-07-126767-0, 978-1-259-25318-8, 1-259-25318-X
