Integration of Renewable Energies

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration4 SWS
TermWintersemester 2024/25
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline

Admission information


Upon successful completion of the module, students are able to: - describe the challenges of a power system with a high share of renewable energies - understand the properties of renewable energies from a system perspective - analyze possible options to improve the integration of the renewable energies - understand the system behavior of renewable energies - analyze the influence of renewable power generation on operation of the conventional power plant park - assess renewable power generation in relation to electricity markets and the demand of balancing power


The lecture is subdivided in an introduction and three main chapters (physical, system and market integration), which classify the different challenges of the integration of renewable energies in an existing electricity system: The introduction discusses the characteristics of fluctuating power generation from renewable energies and derives the resulting challenges for the system. Physical integration discusses (technical) options, which enable an adaption of the generation side and the demand side (grid, storage, demand side integration, etc.). System integration evaluates the possible contribution of renewable energies to provide ancillary services (balancing power, reactive power, inertia, etc.). Market integration explain the influence of an increasing share of renewables on the existing market participants and discusses alternative framework design options.


Basic knowledge in: - renewable energy technologies (hydro, wind, photovoltaic, biomass, geothermal) - power generation and transportation in large quantities in future energy supply scenarios - fossil and renewable energy carriers - regulation frameworks in electricity markets - political and social aspects in energy systems

Teaching and learning methods

Lecture: beamer and partly blackboard presentations with teacher centered teaching Tutorials: Calculations (by hand or PC based) as well as reading assignments which are both discussed in lessons


The module exam consists of a written exam (60 min). Part of the exam consists of multiple-choice questions. The goal of the exam is to test with questions if the students are able to reproduce general challenges regarding the integration of renewable energies. With calculations on simple examples the capability of working with this general knowledge on specific questions is tested. The exam will be graded.

Recommended literature

IEA: The Power of Transformation, 2014
