M.Sc. Inga Müller

Company The Mobility House
Task Data Analysis
E-mail inga.mueller@tum.de
WWW www.mobilityhouse.com

Research interests

  • Linear optimization of energy systems
  • Analysis of time series used for optimization models
  • Decreasing the time complexity of linear optimization models


  • Research Associate at the Chair of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems, Technical University of Munich
  • Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, focus Energy Engineering, Technical University of Munich
  • Master’s thesis at the Institute for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems: “Comparison of different flexibility measures for air conditioning systems”


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  • Schönleber, Konrad; Dorfner, Magdalena; Dornmair, Rita; Müller, Inga; Hamacher, Thomas: Economical energy supply of business parks. NEIS 2017 : Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, VDE VERLAG GMBH, 2018, 175-180 more… BibTeX


  • Müller, Inga M.; Dornmair, Rita: The European Energy System 2050 - A Review of Current Pathways for Renewable and Conventional Technologies in Europe. International ETG Congress 2017, 2017, 301-306 more… BibTeX