Seminar on Electrical Actuators

Lecturer (assistant)
  • Jörg Kammermann [L]
Duration2 SWS
TermWintersemester 2023/24
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline


Admission information


- By taking part in the module courses, students acquire knowledge of numerical simulation and of fields of application of power engineering simulations. - At the end of the module, students are able to approach tasks independently in a current topical area in energy conversion technology in a scientific manner and to prepare written reports. - Moreover, students are able to present their acquired knowledge to an expert audience.


Varying primary subject matters on - numerical simulation of electrical machines and power electronics, - full vehicle simulation of hybrid-electric and battery-electric vehicles, - energy and power management in future on-board power systems, - drive train design and general aspects of electrical actuators. Participants independently develop relevant scientific articles, prepare a written report and present their results. Their topics are discussed intensively.


Basic knowledge of electrical actuators

Teaching and learning methods

- Each participant prepares an individual technical task which is mainly carried out by each student independently. - Depending on their individual topic, participants are assigned to an individual tutor. - The tutors assist students – especially in the beginning – by introducing the topic to them, providing appropriate literature and helpful hints regarding the technical task, the written report, and the oral presentation.
