Optimized Sector-Coupling in districts using smart thermal prosumer networks
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
December 2020 till May 2024
Dr.-Ing. Peter Tzscheutschler Daniel Zinsmeister Elgin Kollnig Sebastian Eichhorn
The transition from an energy system dominated by fossil fuels to one dominated by renewables must include the three main sectors electricity, heat and transport. Coupling the electricity and heat sectors is an effective and cost-efficient way of balancing out fluctuations in volatile, renewable electricity generators and reducing the load on the distribution grids.
Current approaches in the sector coupling of electricity and heat usually pursue a strictly decentralized or centralized approach to heat supply. In contrast, OSkit aims to combine the advantages of centralized and decentralized heat supply to create a prosumer-based, flexible and bidirectional heat network. The optimized decentralized heat supply retains the advantages of decentralized energy supply, but makes better use of devices such as CHP units, heat pumps and solar thermal systems in combination and exploits the potential for sector coupling to a greater extent.
The project aims to develop and analyze new, innovative topologies for thermal networks and their bidirectional transfer stations. Suitable centralized and decentralized operating strategies are required for the transfer stations and the operation of the thermal and electrical systems.
The novel thermal and electrical microgrid will then be validated in the CoSES pilot plant and the potential impact on the distribution grid analyzed. In addition, techno-economic implementation options will be investigated in the field.
Licklederer, Thomas; Zinsmeister, Daniel; Lukas, Lorenz; Speer, Fabian; Hamacher, Thomas; Perić, Vedran S.: Control of bidirectional prosumer substations in smart thermal grids: A weighted proportional-integral control approach. Applied Energy 354, 2024, 122239 more…
Adldinger, S; Behringer, L; Licklederer, T; Zinsmeister, D; Hamacher, T: Temperature flexible operation of district heating with booster heat pumps – Improving efficiency of existing networks. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2600 (8), 2023, 082028 more…
De la Cruz-Loredo, Iván; Zinsmeister, Daniel; Licklederer, Thomas; Ugalde-Loo, Carlos E.; Morales, Daniel A.; Bastida, Héctor; Perić, Vedran S.; Saleem, Arslan: Experimental validation of a hybrid 1-D multi-node model of a hot water thermal energy storage tank. Applied Energy 332, 2023, 120556 more…
Song, Ruihao; Zinsmeister, Daniel; Hamacher, Thomas; Zhao, Haoran; Terzija, Vladmir; Peric, Vedran: Adaptive Control of Practical Heat Pump Systems for Power System Flexibility Based on Reinforcement Learning*. 2023 International Conference on Power System Technology (PowerCon), IEEE, 2023 more…
Zinsmeister, Daniel; Licklederer, Thomas; Adldinger, Stefan; Christange, Franz; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas; Perić, Vedran S.: A prosumer-based sector-coupled district heating and cooling laboratory architecture. Smart Energy, 2023, 100095 more…
Zinsmeister, Daniel; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Perić, Vedran S.; Goebel, Christoph: Stratified thermal energy storage model with constant layer volume for predictive control — Formulation, comparison, and empirical validation. Renewable Energy 219, 2023, 119511 more…
Daniel Zinsmeister, Vedran Perić: Implementation of a Digital Twin of the CoSES District Heating Prosumer Laboratory. 14th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2022), 2022 more…
Mayer, Matthias; Mohapatra, Anurag; Peric, Vedran S.: IoT Integration for Combined Energy Systems at the CoSES Laboratory. 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), IEEE, 2021 more…
Samboju, Sai Kiran; Tanjavooru, Vivek Teja; Zinsmeister, Daniel; Peric, Vedran. S.: Modeling of combined heat and power generation unit for dynamic analysis of integrated thermal-electric grids*. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems, ACM, 2021 more…
Song, Ruihao; Hamacher, Thomas; Perić, Vedran S: Impact of hydraulic faults on the electric system in an integrated multi-energy microgrid. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems, ACM, 2021 more…
Zinsmeister, Daniel; Licklederer, Thomas: Characterization of a Combined Heat and Power Unit at the CoSES laboratory. Unpublished, 2021 more…
Zinsmeister, Daniel; Licklederer, Thomas; Christange, Franz; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Perić, Vedran S.: A comparison of prosumer system configurations in district heating networks. Energy Reports 7, 2021, 430-439 more…