Laboratory course for thermal power systems

Various themes in the power plant technology field will be presented through a total of six tests.

Those interested in the Thermal Power Systems lab must sign up on TUM-Online. Important information about the lab course can be found on TUM-Online. Students who must only complete individual lab tasks should contact Johannes Jaimerl at the institute directly.

At the course’s mandatory introductory meeting, students will be split into groups, and lab tasks will be assigned to those students who have signed up for the course. Those who signed up for the course’s waiting list should still be present at the meeting, as replacement positions will also be assigned.


The following experiments will be conducted by the students during the practical course:

  • Temperature measurement (application and comparison of various temperature measurement technologies)
  • Fluidized bed (insights into the basic concept of a fluidized bed and its applications)
  • Computer-aided process optimization (thermodynamic cycle analysis, thermodynamic optimization of a cyclic process using a computer)
  • HKW Munich North (tour to the thermal power plant Munich North in Unterföhring)
  • Cheng-Cycle (economic optimization of the operation of the thermal power plant in Garching)
  • Evaporator test rig (investigation of different phenomena taking place in a evaporation pipe system)

In every experiment a home assignment has to be written in a group of three students.

A 10-minute graded attestation will precede each experiment.

The course is held in German!