
The Chair of Energy Systems conducts research in the field of energy engineering. Our investigations concern different processes and components, and can be divided into five main research areas:

We cooperate with fellow research institutions, as well as industrial companies, on a number of national and international research projects. We also coordinate several collaborative projects.

The expertise of the institute is also reflected in the operated testing facilities and the utilized measurement technologies. The mechanical workshop, the electronics laboratory, and the chemical laboratory are also essential parts of the experimental operation at the institute.

The following software tools are used for modeling and simulation at the institute:

  • ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS CFX, ANSYS Mechanical (CFD/FEM)
  • APROS (Dynamic Modeling of Power Plants)
  • Aspen Plus, Ebsilon Professional, IPSE Pro (Thermodynamic process simulation)
  • Catia V5 (CAD/CAM)
  • Factsage (Thermochemical database)
  • Matlab/Simulink