- New Method for the Charakterization of High-Frequency Battery Impedances. Kraftwerk Batterie 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Designing thermally safe battery packs for electric vehicle applications. Internect - International Forum Automotive Thermal Managment, 2016 mehr…
- Novel latent heat storage devices for thermal management of electric vehicle battery systems. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Automotive Technologies, 2013 mehr…
- Development of a holistic thermal managementsystem for an EV in tropical climate. 3rd conference on thermal management for EVs, 2013 mehr…
- Development and investigations of novel electrical energy storage concepts. Ulm Electrochemical Talks (UECT), 2012 mehr…
- Multiscope optimization. 2nd International Conference Thermal Management for EV/HEV, 2012 mehr…
- Safety Management for Electric Vehicle Batteries in a Tropic Environment. Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS 26), 2012 mehr…