EU-Project RELCOM - Reliable Oxycoal Combustion

The oxyfuel combustion of coal (short: oxycoal) is one of the three main research routes for the development of coal-powered power plants with CO2 restraint systems (CO2 capture and storage). During oxyfuel combustion, the fuel is oxidized through the addition of pure oxygen, while, next to carbon dioxide, only steam is contained as the main species in the flue gas- the nitrogen usually accompanying the flue gas is removed, because instead of simply air, pure nitrogen is used as an oxidizer in the process.

Oxyfuel systems are currently in an advanced stage of development. So far, however, no power plants have been realized on a commercial scale.

The 4-year cooperation project, “Relcom”, looks to close the gap between advanced technology on a demonstrative level, and introducing said technology on a commercial scale. Additionally, Universities are introducing research facilities and projects for power plant research at a progressively higher combustion rate. At the beginning of these investigations, test trials in the oxyfuel test facility at the institute for energy systems will be on a 300KW level.


The project aims to develop and demonstrate combustion and boiling systems on a commercial scale. Investigations Additionally, investigations will be conducted at the institute for energy systems in the small combustion capacity facility. Next to the development of oxyfuel combustors,  the combustion characteristics of oxycoal flames will be investigated, and numerical models will be developed, which will aim to improve the predictability of oxyfuel combustion systems.

The project began in December 2011, with a four year term. Up-to-date information about project progress, partners, workshops, symposiums and publications can be found under:

For more information, contact


Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) Maximilian Blume

Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) Andreas Baumgartner


Pedro Dias,  M. Sc.