CFD-Simulation of Thermal Processes


The lecture will be hold online via moodle/zoom. The Exercises can be done at home or at the PC-Pool of the chair.



In this module, knowledge in computational fluid dynamics simulation is taught via theoretical and practical methods. The content is divided into three sections:

  1.  Basics of numerical methods: linear and non-linear algebraic systems of equations; optimization methods; interpolation and approximation; differentiation and integration; ordinary and partial differential equations, difference methods, finite volume methods
  2. Numerical fluid mechanics: Equations of fluid mechanics; turbulence modelling; meshing; heat and mass transfer; multiphase and multi-component flows; chemically reacting flows.
  3. Computer exercises: geometry construction, meshing, simulation of a thermal process, simulation of multi-component flows (stationary/instationary) etc.

Dates and Information

Duration2 SWS
TermWintersemester 2022/23
Language of instructionGerman


* Canceled

Admission information


For more information, contact

Sebastian Wilhelm, Johannes Haimerl, Thorben de Riese