There are various points of contacts for students that you can use for advice or problem solving for various issues.

Please include the following data in your mail, otherwise it cannot be processed meaningfully:

  • First and last name
  • Matriculation number
  • Field of study
  • Name and number of the course you have a question about

► Questions about RES courses, internships, project work, final theses, please contact your supervisor or our secretary´s office.

► For questions regarding TUMonline and TUM Moodle, it is best to contact Gerhard Tilk.

Student Advisory Service of TUM / Student Advisory Service of TUMCS:

Study Coordination & Advising (TUMCS):

Regarding all questions about the following topics:

  • General inquiries
  • Administrative questions
  • Questions about transcript grades
  • Excuses for exams/ sick leave
  • Examination dates

Study faculty, examination board, study grants:

Student Service:

Student Council TUM Campus Straubing:

University e-mail etiquette

Our students have all grown up with modern communication tools such as email, WhatsApp, messangers and SMS. You will have exchanged mails with your classmates, chat with fellow students via WhatsApp and use various forums and Facebook groups.

We have put together a brief guide for you here, as it seems that it is not always clear what e-mail style is appropriate in the university setting.

Every e-mail, like a letter, must start with an adequate salutation. The following salutations are quite suitable for your private SMS/emails, but not if you are sending a formal mail to e.g. a lecturer, a secretariat, etc. (and please use the "Sie-Form" in German language):

  • Hello, I have a question
  • Hi Mr. Prof!
  • Hello! or Hello everybody!
  • Hey,
  • No salutation, e-mail starts directly with text
  • Dear Anna!

Unfortunately, far too many emails we receive at the Institute begin in this very casual way. We do not answer such e-mails.

You do not have to list all titles by any means, Dear Prof. XY/Dear Ms. Prof. XY, or Dear Ms. XY/Dear Mr. XY are perfectly sufficient.

Please send your request to ONE person. We will internally coordinate the mails and forward you to the right person.

Also, please do not try to send a mail with identical content to SEVERAL people because you did not like the first answer.

If you have a technical question, please write directly to the lecturer of the course.

You can find more information about this here: "Whom can I contact"

An appropriate closing formula for in written communication would be, for example, "Yours sincerely".

Formulations such as LG (Love Greets), Kiss, Ciao, Thx already etc. are inappropriate.

Please include the following data in your mail, otherwise it cannot be processed:

  • First and last name
  • Matriculation number
  • Field of study
  • Name and number of the course you have a question about

Unfortunately we are not clairvoyant and an email with: "Hi, my name is Maria and I am doing an internship with you and I have a question about the protocol" requires a lot of clairvoyant ability to know a) who you are and b) which course you are actually talking about.

(Source of inspiration: BOKU Vienna)