
BioDyNahMo - Dynamic Model for the Power-optimized Operation of Decentralized Biomass CHP Plants in Local District Heating via the Intelligent Integration of Power-to-heat and Heat Storage

The system dynamics in controllable electricity and heat generation is becoming an increasingly important requirement due to the poorly predictable energy from wind and solar power. In addition, greater flexibility makes it possible to participate in electricity markets and can contribute to a higher economic efficiency of these generation plants.

The aim of the project is to make the operation of biomass cogeneration plants in rural local heating networks, which are currently often operated uneconimically. In the BioDyNahMo project, dynamic system simulation and analysis will be used to make an existing biomass CHP plant more flexible by using a long-term heat storage system with integrated power-to-heat system. Numerical optimisation methods are used to create electricity oriented plant schedules (consideration of electricity price signals), while at the same time guaranteeing security of supply in the heating network. The simulation model focuses on the optimal design and control of the individual components in the energy network to increase the resource efficiency (economics, efficiency, ecology) of the overall model. In particular, the plant dynamics of the biomass CHP (start-up and shut-down times, load gradients, minimum loads) are investigated and it is checked whether these are sufficient for profitable participation in the electricity and capacity market.

The results of the plant deployment planning with the promising operating strategies of the energy concept are documented and made freely available to other heat network operators. On this basis, possibilities for the further development of the energy systems within the framework of the existing regulations and energy markets are then to be worked out and proposals for their implementation made.

We are very grateful for the support and promotion of the project by the Agency for Renewable Resources.

Project partners:

  • Biomassehof Achental
  • Bayernwerk

Project duration: 01.03.2019 - 28.02.2022

Funding reference: 03EI5432A

Project supervisor: Katharina Koch
