TWIN-PEAKS - Twinning for Promoting Excellence, Ability and Knowledge to develop advanced waste gasification Solutions


The overall objective of the TWIN-PEAKS project is to establish a research and innovation collaboration between LEI, VMU, TUM, CTH and WIP to raise the scientific excellence, capacities and international reputation of LEI and VMU in advanced waste gasification.

Research priorities

Mapping of identified research priorities across waste gasification value-chain. Light gray indicates coverage by respective research priority.

  1. (Plasma-enhanced) gasification processes: This research priority focuses on the utilization of thermal plasmas as allothermal heat sources for gasification processes. In this regard, both fundamental level research and applied research is in scope. Fundamental level research will focus on the effect plasma has on the gasification reaction parameters such as particle size, surface areas, etc., as well as the reactions taking place between solid fuels and the plasma. Applied research will entail the utilization of the thermal plasma in the gasification process itself and the assessment of thermal plasma for gas cleaning purposes.
  2. (Plasma-assisted) methanation: This research priority includes the assessment of the application of a non-thermal plasma on different kinds of methanation reactor configurations as well as on increasing catalyst activity. Furthermore, the possibility of donating hydrogen via plasma will be assessed. Finally, this priority also includes a transfer of the learnings for the usage of plasma for methanation to other reactions/syntheses coupling with PtX concept.
  3. Feedstocks and utilization pathways: As part of this research priority, potential feedstocks for a plasma-enhanced gasification process chain will be evaluated and required pre-treatments investigated to identify most suitable feedstocks and input pathways. In addition, possible utilization pathways will be assessed for the gasification products. This includes electricity generation options such as traditional combustion routes and fuel cell processes as well as syntheses into base chemicals for usage as inputs for the chemical industry (e.g., Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, etc.).


Activities as part of TWIN-PEAKS

  • Develop a joint-research strategy between the TWIN-PEAKS project partners
  • Apply to research grant programmes together as TWIN-PEAKS project partners
  • Transfer scientific and soft-skill knowledge and know-how between the TWIN-PEAKS project partners
  • Build networks of international academic and non-academic partners
  • Reach out to users and stakeholders to understand needs and co-design solutions
  • Pool research infrastructure between the TWIN-PEAKS project partners
  • Tackle gender equality issues at LEI and VMU
  • Improve research management and administration capacities at LEI


Sebastian Bastek, Sebastian Fendt

Project partners

  • Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
  • Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania
  • Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
  • WIP Renewable Energies, Germany

Project website

Please click here.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951308. The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the REA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.