Picture of Stefan Schäffler

Stefan Schäffler, M.Sc.

  • Studies of Electrical and Computer Engineering at TU Munich (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
  • Bachelor thesis: A simulation of vehicle to grid enabled electric vehicles providing frequency containment reserve
  • Research assistance at institutes WSI and EES at TU Munich
  • Semester abroad at the University of California, San Diego
  • Research internship and master thesis at Mercedes-Benz AG: Experimental investigation and modeling of thermal runaway of lithium-ion batteries under influence of internal temperature gradients
Research interests
  • Thermal modeling and simulation of lithium-ion batteries
  • Battery safety


Project Affiliation:


Team Affiliation

Team BMD



  • Hendrik Pegel, Moritz Autenrieth, Stefan Schaeffler, Andreas Jossen, Dirk Uwe Sauer: Design guidelines to prevent thermal propagation and maximize packing density within battery systems with tabless cylindrical lithium-ion cells. Journal of Energy Storage 86, 2024, 111275 more…
  • Stefan Schaeffler, Andreas Jossen: In situ measurement and modeling of internal thermal runaway propagation within lithium-ion cells under local overheating conditions. Journal of Power Sources (614), 2024, 234968 more…
  • Stefan Schaeffler, Andreas Jossen: In situ measurement and modeling of internal thermal runaway propagation within lithium-ion cells under local overheating conditions. Journal of Power Sources 614, 2024, 234968 more…
  • Stefan Schaeffler, Andreas Jossen: Influence of Temperature Gradients on the Thermal Runaway of Lithium-ion Cells. Advanced Battery Power 2024Münster more…
  • Stefan Schaeffler, Jonas Soellner, Yaroslava Fedoryshyna, Andreas Jossen: Influence of Venting on Thermal Propagation in Lithium-ion Battery Modules. Batterieforum Deutschland 2024Berlin more…
  • Yaroslava Fedoryshyna, Stefan Schaeffler, Jonas Soellner, Elisabeth Gillich, Andreas Jossen: Comparative Evaluation of Thermal Runaway Behavior and Safety of Sodium-ion and Lithium-ion Cells during Venting. Advanced Battery Power 2024Münster more…


  • Hendrik Pegel, Stefan Schaeffler, Andreas Jossen, Dirk Uwe Sauer: Extensive Experimental Thermal Runaway and Thermal Propagation Characterization of Large-Format Tabless Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Cells with Aluminum Housing and Laser Welded Endcaps. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 170 (12), 2023, 120512 more…
  • Stefan Schaeffler, Yaroslava Fedoryshyna, Stefan Röhm, Jonas Soellner, Andreas Jossen: Venting Gas Velocity Estimation during Thermal Runaway of Cylindrical Lithium-ion Batteries. International Battery Safety Workshop 2023Ulm more…
  • Yaroslava Fedoryshyna, Jonas Soellner, Stefan Schaeffler, Andreas Jossen: Development of a Novel Test Bench for Thermal Runaway Characterization. Advanced Battery Power 2023Aachen more…