Comparative reaction engineering analysis of different acetogenic bacteria for gas fermentation

Anna Groher, doctoral thesis Technische Universität München, 2016


Acetogenic bacteria can convert synthesis gas into organic acids and alcohols. A standardized anaerobic batch process in a continuously gassed stirred-tank bioreactor was used to characterize and compare the process performance of nine acetogenic microorganisms. Sporomusa ovata was revealed as particularly suitable for industrial applications. By appropriate reaction conditions for example, the autotrophic production of ethanol with Sporomusa ovata could be increased by two orders of magnitude.



  • Groher A, Weuster-Botz D (2016): General medium for the autotrophic cultivation of acetogens.
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  • Groher A, Weuster-Botz D (2016): Comparative reaction engineering analysis of different acetogenic bacteria for gas fermentation. J Biotechnol 228: 82-94.