

  • Alexander Rheinfeld, Johannes Sturm, Andreas Noel, Jörn Wilhelm, Akos Kristos, Andreas Pfrang, Andreas Jossen: Quasi-Isothermal External Short Circuit Tests Applied to Lithium-Ion Cells: Part II. Modeling and Simulation. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166, 2019, A151-A177 mehr…
  • Maximilian Scheller, Andreas Noel: Literaturstudie für den Formierprozess und End-of-Line Test in der Produktion von Lithium-Ionen-Zellen. Lehrstuhl EES - TU München, 2019, mehr…


  • Alexander Rheinfeld, Andreas Noel, Jörn Wilhelm, Akos Kristos, Andreas Pfrang, Andreas Jossen: Quasi-Isothermal External Short Circuit Tests Applied to Lithium-Ion Cells: Part I. Measurements. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165, 2018, A3427-A3448 mehr…
  • Markus H. Hofmann, Kevin Czyrka, Martin J. Brand, Marco Steinhardt, Andreas Noel, Franz B. Spingler, Andreas Jossen: Dynamics of current distribution within battery cells connected in parallel. Journal of Energy Storage, 2018 mehr…


  • Frank M. Kindermann, Patrick J. Osswald, Stefan Klink, Günter Ehlert, Jörg Schuster, Andreas Noel, Simon V. Erhard, Wolfgang Schuhmann, Andreas Jossen: Measurements of lithium-ion concentration equilibration processes inside graphite electrodes. Journal of Power Sources, 2017 mehr…
  • Simon V. Erhard, Patrick J. Osswald, Peter Keil, Eike Höffer, Manuel Haug, Andreas Noel, Jörn Wilhelm, Bernhard Rieger, Korbinian Schmidt, Stephan Kosch, Frank M. Kindermann, Franz B. Spingler, Hauke Kloust, Torge Thoennessen, Alexander Rheinfeld, Andreas Jossen: Simulation and Measurement of the Current Density Distribution in Lithium-Ion Batteries by a Multi-Tab Cell Approach. Journal of the Electrochemical Society (1), 2017 mehr…


  • Patrick J. Osswald, Simon V. Erhard, Andreas Noel, Peter Keil, Frank M. Kindermann, Harry E. Hoster, Andreas Jossen: Current density distribution in cylindrical Li-Ion cells during impedance measurements. Journal of Power Sources 314, 2016 mehr…


  • Frank M. Kindermann, Andreas Noel, Simon V. Erhard, Andreas Jossen: Long-term equalization effects in Li-ion batteries due to local state of charge inhomogeneities and their impact on impact on impedance measurements. Electrochimica Acta 185, 2015, 107-116 mehr…


  • Frank M. Kindermann, Andreas Noel, Andreas Jossen: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on Li-ion Batteries: Influence of Different Cell Chemistries on Relaxation Time. Kraftwerk Batterie, 2014 mehr…


  • Frank M. Kindermann, Peter Keil, Andreas Noel, Andreas Jossen: Influence of Relaxation Time before EIS Measurements on Li-ion Batteries. International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy, 2013 mehr…