- The Lifetime Carbon Footprint of Lithium-Ion Battery Systems in Exemplary Applications. Energy Proceedings (Volume 38), 2024 mehr…
- Vehicle-to-X Service Provision for various Modes of e-Transportation with Consideration of the Influence on Lithium-Ion Battery Utilization. Energy Proceedings Volume 38, 2024 mehr…
- High-power electric vehicle charging: Low-carbon grid integration pathways with stationary lithium-ion battery systems and renewable generation. Applied Energy 333, 2023, 120541 mehr…
- Feature-conserving gradual anonymization of load profiles and the impact on battery storage systems. Applied Energy 343, 2023, 121191 mehr…
- Vehicle-to-X Service Provision for various Modes of e-Transportation with Consideration of the Influence on Lithium-Ion Battery Utilization. 15th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2023), 2023 mehr…
- Battery usage in electric transportation means and the influence of the charging strategy. Advanced Battery Power 2023 202327. - 28.04.2023 mehr…
- Lithium-ion battery utilization in various modes of e-transportation. eTransportation 18, 2023, 100274 mehr…
- Machine Learning Estimation of Battery Efficiency and Related Key Performance Indicators in Smart Energy Systems. MDPI Energies 16 (14), 2023, 5548 mehr…
- Aging aware operation of lithium-ion battery energy storage systems. Advanced Battery Power 2023, 2023Aachen mehr…
- Increasing the lifetime profitability of battery energy storage systems through aging aware operation. Applied Energy 348, 2023, 121531 mehr…
- Lithium-Ion Battery Utilization in various Modes of e-Transportation - Dataset. 2023, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…
- Stationary Battery Energy Storage Systems: Low-Carbon Integration Pathways in Grid Applications. IRES 2022, Düsseldorf 2022 mehr…
- EV fleet operation with V2G: Potential and optimization in different markets. Kraftwerk Batterie , 2022 mehr…
- Optimal pool composition of commercial electric vehicles in V2G fleet operation of various electricity markets. Applied Energy 308, 2022, 118351 mehr…
- SimSES: A holistic simulation framework for modeling and analyzing stationary energy storage systems. Journal of Energy Storage 49, 2022, 103743 mehr…
- Batteriespeicherlösungen zur energiewirtschaftlichen Optimierung von Industriebetrieben. Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 117 (5), 2022, 305-311 mehr…
- Aging aware operation of lithium-ion battery energy storage systems: A review. Journal of Energy Storage 55, 2022, 105634 mehr…
- Machine-Learning Assisted Identification of Accurate Battery Lifetime Models with Uncertainty. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169 (8), 2022, 080518 mehr…
- The carbon footprint of island grids with lithium-ion battery systems: An analysis based on levelized emissions of energy supply. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149, 2021, 111353 mehr…
- Battery-Assistance vs. Grid Reinforcement for High-Power EV Charging: An Emissions Perspective. TUM MSE Energy Colloquium 2021, 2021 mehr…
- Thermal Modelling of Utility Scale Stationary Battery Energy Storage Systems - Analysis of Energetic and Environmental Performance. Advanced Battery Power - Kraftwerk Batterie 2021, 2021 mehr…
- Possibilities for Efficiency Improvements of Large Scale Storage Systems using Field Data. IRES 2021, 2021 mehr…
- Analysis of optimally composed EV pools for the aggregated provision of frequency containment reserve and energy arbitrage trading. 5th E-Mobility Power System Integration, 2021 mehr…
- Stationäre Batteriespeicher in Deutschland: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Trends in 2021. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 2021 mehr…
- Technical analysis of peak shaving and load smoothing with battery energy storage systems in a distribution grid. Advanced Battery Power - Kraftwerk Batterie 2021 2021 mehr…
- Peak Shaving with Battery Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Grids: A Novel Approach to Reduce Local and Global Peak Loads. Electricity 2 (4), 2021, 573-589 mehr…
- Battery Energy Storage Systems as an Alternative to Conventional Grid Reinforcement. 13th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE 2021, 2021 mehr…
- Reducing grid peak load through smart charging strategies and battery energy storage systems. 5th E-Mobility Power System Integration, 2021 mehr…
- Reducing grid peak load through the coordinated control of battery energy storage systems located at electric vehicle charging parks. Applied Energy, 2021, 116936 mehr…
- Profitability of Battery Storage in a Post Pandemic Era. International Battery Seminar , 2021 mehr…
- Arbitrage Trading - Profitability of Battery Storage in a Post Pandemic Era. IRES 2021, 2021 mehr…
- The Efficiency and Profitability of the Modular Multilevel Battery for Frequency Containment Reserve. IRES 2020, 2021 mehr…
- Dynamic Modelling and Control of Stationary Battery Energy Storage System Thermal Behavior. IRES 2021 2021 mehr…
- Unlocking the Full Potential of Battery Storage Through Dynamic Multi-use. IRES 2021, 2021 mehr…
- Simultanes Bedienen multipler Anwendungen als Treiber für den wirtschaftlichen Betrieb von Energiespeichern. BatteryWorld 2021, 2021 mehr…
- Evaluating the interdependency between peer-to-peer networks and energy storages: A techno-economic proof for prosumers. Advances in Applied Energy 3, 2021, 100059 mehr…
- A Scientific View on Multi-Use and Vehicle-to-Grid - Where are the Obstacles? EES Europe 2021, 2021 mehr…
- Forschungsprojekt BASE.V. Blockchain Bayern e.V. 2021 – Blockchain Energy Summit, 2021 mehr…
- Electric vehicle multi-use: Optimizing multiple value streams using mobile storage systems in a vehicle-to-grid context. Applied Energy 304, 2021, 117862 mehr…
- Impact of energy storages and electric vehicles in peer-to-peer networks: A case study and techno-economic analysis. Advanced Battery Power - Kraftwerk Batterie 2021, 2021 mehr…
- Influence of Battery Energy Storage Systems on the Carbon Footprint of Energy Systems. Munich School of Engineering, 2020, mehr…
- Techno Environmental Analysis of Battery Systems in Stationary Applications. Neue Verbraucher und elektrische Flexibilitäten , 2020 mehr…
- Speicher in der Verteilnetzplanung. Neue Verbraucher und elektrische Flexibilitäten , 2020 mehr…
- Modeling Framework for Simulating Energy Storage Systems in Grid Applications. Hertie School 2020 – Open Energy Modelling Workshop 2020 mehr…
- Standard battery energy storage system profiles: Analysis of various applications for stationary energy storage systems using a holistic simulation framework. Journal of Energy Storage 28, 2020, 101077 mehr…
- Modellierung und Simulation von stationären Batteriespeichern. BVES Fachforum Batteriespeicher, 2020 mehr…
- Zelltechnologie Lithium Ionen Batterie - Technische Spezifikation und Ausblick. BVES Fachforum Batteriespeicher, 2020 mehr…
- Stationäre Anwendungsfälle - Eine Übersicht. BVES Fachforum Batteriespeicher, 2020 mehr…
- Systemtechnik: Von der Zelle zum System - Komponenten im Speichersystem. BVES Fachforum Batteriespeicher, 2020 mehr…
- Reduction of Battery Energy Storage Degradation in Peak Shaving Operation through Load Forecast Dependent Energy Management. NEIS Conference 2020, 2020 mehr…
- Unlocking the Potential of Battery Storage with the Dynamic Stacking of Multiple Applications. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2020, 100238 mehr…
- Optimized Stacking of Applications on Battery Energy Storage Systems. StorageLink - Workshop 3, 2020Einbindung und Steuerung von Batteriespeichern in zukünftige Energie-Marktmodelle mehr…
- Energy Arbitrage Optimization With Battery Storage: 3D-MILP for Electro-Thermal Performance and Semi-Empirical Aging Models. IEEE Access 8, 2020, 204325-204341 mehr…
- Topology and Efficiency Analysis of Utility-Scale Battery Energy Storage Systems. International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Efficient and scalable system design for stationary battery energy storage systems. MSE Colloquium 2019, 2019 mehr…
- A Novel, Scalable, Low-Cost and High-Efficiency Battery Storage System Topology. Atlantis Press, 2019 mehr…
- Modeling framework for Simulating Energy Storage Systems in Grid Applications. Jahrestreffen Forschungsnetzwerk Energiesystemanalyse 2019 mehr…
- Development of Reference Storage Profiles for Electrical Grid Applications. NEIS Konferenz 2019 2019 mehr…
- Battery modeling requirements for stationary storage systems. Open Energy Modelling Workshop, 2019 mehr…
- Open Battery Models for Electrical Grid Applications. Batterieforum Deutschland 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Ageing and Efficiency Aware Battery Dispatch for Arbitrage Markets Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming. Energies, 2019 mehr…
- Assessment of residential battery storage systems and operation strategies considering battery aging. International Journal of Energy Research 44 (2), 2019, 718-731 mehr…
- Optimierung von Betriebsstrategien für Industrie- und Quartierspeicher. StorageLink - Workshop 2, 2019Datenbasierte Modellierung und Optimierung mehr…
- A Techno-Economic Analysis of Vehicle-to-Building: Battery Degradation and Efficiency Analysis in the Context of Coordinated Electric Vehicle Charging. ees Europe 2019, 2019 mehr…
- A Techno-Economic Analysis of Vehicle-to-Building: Battery Degradation and Efficiency Analysis in the Context of Coordinated Electric Vehicle Charging. Energies, 2019 mehr…
- SimSES Multi-Use: A simulation tool for multiple storage system applications. 2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
- SimSES Multi-Use: A simulation tool for multiple storage system applications. 16th International Conference 2019, 2019Ljubljana, Slovenia mehr…
- Design and analysis of an aging-aware energy management system for islanded grids using mixed-integer quadratic programming. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019 mehr…
- Multi-Use of Stationary Battery Storage Systems with Blockchain Based Markets. Energy Procedia, 2018 mehr…
- Lithium-Ion Battery Storage Design for Buffering Fast Charging Stations for Battery Electric Vehicles and Electric Buses. NEIS Conference 2018 - Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, 2018 mehr…
- Lithium-Ion Battery Storage Design for Buffering Fast Charging Stations for Battery Electric Vehicles and Electric Buses. NEIS Conference 2018 , 2018Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems mehr…
- Battery Requirements for the Electrification of Urban Public Transport. 7. Conference on Future Automotive Technology: Focus Electromobility 2018 mehr…
- Battery Requirements for the Electrification of Urban Public Transport. Bayern Innovativ GmbH, 2018, mehr…
- Bewertung der energetischen Performance von stationären Batteriespeichersystemen. DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK 25 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Elektromobilität und stationäre Speicher - Second-Use und Second-Life. Technische Universität Rosenheim, 2018, mehr…
- Batteriespeicher im industriellen Maßstab - Leitlinien zu Systemauslegung und Betrieb. 3. Herbstworkshop "Energiespeichersysteme", 2018 mehr…
- EES: Real Life Projects - Panel discussion. The Smarter E - Intersolar 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Electric mobility - a new driving force for stationary storage systems. The Smarter E - Intersolar 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Multi-Use of Stationary Battery Energy Storage Systems with Blockchain based markets. Forschungsnetzwerk Intellizell Regensburg, 2018 mehr…
- Electric mobility - a new driving force for stationary storage systems. The Smarter E - Intersolar 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Analysis and modeling of calendar aging of a commercial LiFePO4/graphite cell. Journal of Energy Storage, 2018 mehr…
- Operational Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency of Battery Storage Systems: Development and Implementation in a Large-Scale Second-Use Battery System. International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2018 2018 mehr…
- Marginal Costs of Battery System Operation in Energy Arbitrage Based on Energy Losses and Cell Degradation. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 2018 mehr…
- Marginal Costs of Battery System Operation in Energy Arbitrage based on Energy Losses and Cell Degradation. 18th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 2018 mehr…
- Energy efficiency evaluation of a stationary lithium-ion battery container storage system via electro-thermal modeling and detailed component analysis. Applied Energy (210), 2018, 211-229 mehr…
- Comprehensive Modeling of Temperature-Dependent Degradation Mechanisms in Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165, 2, 2018 mehr…
- Energy efficiency evaluation of grid connection scenarios for stationary battery energy storage systems. Energy Procedia, 2018 mehr…
- Power Flow Distribution Strategy for Improved Power Electronics Energy Efficiency in Battery Storage Systems: Development and Implementation in a Utility-Scale System. Energies 11 (3), 2018 mehr…
- Optimal Component Sizing for Peak Shaving in Battery Energy Storage System for Industrial Applications. Energies 11 (8), 2018 mehr…
- Linear Battery Aging Model for Industrial Peak Shaving Applications. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 2018 mehr…
- Cooperative Control and Economic Assessment of Residential Battery Storages in Microgrids. International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2018 2018 mehr…
- Distributed residential battery energy storage systems in a microgrid environment. MSE Colloquium 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Distributed residential battery energy storage systems in a microgrid environment. MSE Colloquium 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Autonomous versus coordinated control of residential energy storage systems - monitoring profit, battery aging, and system efficiency. NEIS Konferenz 2018 , 2018 mehr…
- A PSO-Optimized Fuzzy Logic Control-Based Charging Method for Individual Household Battery Storage Systems within a Community. Energies (11), 2018 mehr…
- Application of Energy Storage System to Microgrid. DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK 25 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Maximizing Solar Home Battery System's Contribution to the Energy Transition of the Power System. Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems 2017Hamburg mehr…
- Maximizing Solar Home Battery Systems' Contribution to the Energy Transition of the Power System. Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, 2017 mehr…
- Maximizing Solar Home Battery System's Contribution to the Energy Transition of the Power System. Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, 2017 mehr…
- Impact of small-scale components on large-scale battery systems: Insights on the prototype Energy Neighbor. Singapore Battery Meeting 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Impact of Sub-Components on the Overall Performance of Stationary Battery Systems. Insights on the Prototype Energy Neighbor (Poster). International ETG Congress 2017 2017Bonn mehr…
- Impact of Sub-Components on the Overall Performance of Stationary Battery Systems. Insights on the Prototype Energy Neighbor (Vortrag). International ETG Congress 2017, 2017Bonn mehr…
- Impact of Sub-Components on the Overall Performance of Stationary Battery Systems. Insights on the Prototype Energy Neighbor. International ETG Congress 2017, 2017Bonn mehr…
- SimSES: Software for techno-economic Simulation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. MSE Colloquium 2017 2017Garching mehr…
- SimSES: Software for techno-economic Simulation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. MSE Colloquium 2017 2017 mehr…
- Einführung in die stationäre Speichertechnologie. Otti Seminar 2017, 2017Stationäre Energiespeicher und deren Netzintegartion mehr…
- Keynote: Wie Start-ups und Innovationen die Speicherbranche bereichern. Intersolar 2017, 2017ees Europe mehr…
- Stationäre Energiespeicherung – Anwendungen und Steuerstrategien für Batteriespeichersysteme. DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK 24 2017, 2017Entwicklerforum Batterien & Ladekonzepte mehr…
- Neue Technologien, V2G und Sektorenkopplung. Otti Seminar 2017, 2017Stationäre Energiespeicher und deren Netzintegration mehr…
- Anwendungsfälle, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Auslegung. Batteriespeicher und deren Anwendung. Otti Seminar 2017, 2017Stationäre Energiespeicher und deren Netzintegration mehr…
- Economic Assessment and Optimization of Battery Storage Systems for Stationary Applications. Singapore Battery Meeting 2017 2 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Lithium-Ion Battery Storage for the Grid—A Review of Stationary Battery Storage System Design Tailored for Applications in Modern Power Grids. Energies 10 (12), 2017 mehr…
- Optimizing Battery Storage Sizing and Dispatch for Use in Stationary Applications. IRES 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Economic Optimization of Component Sizing for Residential Battery Storage Systems. Energies 10 7, 2017, 835 mehr…
- Stromspeicher: Elektirsche Energiespeicher für stationäre Anwendungsfälle. Gastvortrag Ringvorlesung Strom und Wärmespeicher. 2017, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…
- Batteriespeicher Optimierung für die stationäre Anwendung. Auslegung, Effizienz und Multi-Use Betrieb. 2. Herbstworkshop der Professur für Energiespeichersysteme, 2017 mehr…
- SimSES - Simulation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. OpenMod Workshop, 2017 mehr…
- SimSES: Software for techno-economic Simulation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. International ETG Congress 2017Bonn mehr…
- SimSES: Software for techno-economic Simulation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. International ETG Congress , 2017Bonn mehr…
- SimSES: Software for techno-economic Simulation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. Batterieforum Deutschland 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Battery lifetime prediction for different technologies based on stress characterization and aging experiments. Kraftwerk Batterie 2017 2017 mehr…
- Design and control of battery energy storage systems in island grids. 2nd Singapore Battery Meeting 2017 mehr…
- Evaluation of Grid-Lever Adaptability for Stationary Energy System Applications in Europe. Journal of Energy Storage, 2017 mehr…
- Model-based Energy Efficiency Evaluation of the 200 kWh Stationary Lithium-Ion Battery System "Energy Neighbor". Batterieforum Deutschland 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Model-based Energy Efficiency Evaluation of the 200 kWh Stationary Lithium-Ion Battery System “Energy Neighbor. Batterieforum Deutschland 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Semi-Empirical Modeling of Temperature-Dependent Degradation Mechanisms in Lithium-Ion Batteries. ECS Meeting 232 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Comprehensive Modeling of Temperature-Dependent Degradation Mechanisms in Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries. ECS Transactions 80 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Optimal Energy Management of Residential PV/HESS Using Evolutionary Fuzzy Control. IEEE CEC 2017 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2017 mehr…
- Fundamentals of Using Battery Energy Storage Systems to Provide Primary Control Reserves in Germany. Batteries, 2016 mehr…
- Lifetime Optimized Charging Method of Lithim-Ion Batteries. Electric & Electronic Systems in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Electrical Energy Management, 2016 mehr…
- Model-based Dispatch Strategies for Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage applied to Pay-as-Bid Markets for Secondary Reserve. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016 mehr…
- Economics of Residential Photovoltaic Battery Systems in Germany: The Case of Tesla's Powerwall. Batteries 2, 2016 mehr…
- A holistic battery storage simulation tool for use case specific cost analysis. IRES 2016 201610th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference mehr…
- Sustainable Power Supply Options for Large Islands - A case study for Belitung Island. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia, 2016 mehr…
- Fragmented Local Community Battery Storage Systems. Haus der Technik e.V., 2016, mehr…
- System Simulation of a Large Stationary Battery System with Thermal Management. Kraftwerk Batterie 2016 2016Münster mehr…
- Optimization of Photovoltaic Power Self-Consumption using Linear Programming. 16th IEEE International Conference on Enviornment and Electrical Engineering, 2016 mehr…
- Studie: Second-Life-Konzepte für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Elektrofahrzeugen. In: Studie: Second-Life-Konzepte für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Elektrofahrzeugen. VDE Verlag, 2016 mehr…
- Charging Strategy for a Residential Battery Storage System using Fuzzy Logic Controller. Schulz (Hg.) 2017 – NEIS Conference 2016, 2016 mehr…
- Operating a Multitasking Stationary Battery Storage System for Providing Secondary Control Reserve on Low-Voltage Level. Proceedings of International ETG Congress 2015, IEEE, 2015 mehr…
- Electricity Storage Systems in Medium- and Low Voltage Networks, ETG-Kongress 2015. ETG Congress - Die Energiewende, 2015 mehr…
- Understanding the Lifetime of Li-Ion Batteries. ees Europe, 2015 mehr…
- PV-Heimspeicher. Wirtschaftlicher Speicherbetrieb und Alterungseinfluss -. VDE ETG Fachtagung - Batteriespeicher und Power-to-Heat - Konkurrenz oder Koexistenz?, 2015 mehr…
- Batteriespeicher in der Nieder- und Mittelspannungsebene - Anwendungen und Wirtschaftlichkeit sowie Auswirkungen auf die elektrischen Netze. VDE-Studie "Batteriespeicher in der Nieder- und Mittelspannungsebene" , 2015 mehr…
- Lithium-ion Battery Cost Analysis in PV-household Application. Energy Procedia (73), 2015, 37-47 mehr…
- Lithium-ion Battery Cost Analysis in PV-household Application. Energy Procedia 73, 2015, 37-47 mehr…
- Lithium-ion battery cost analysis in PV-household application. 9th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference, 2015 mehr…
- Evaluation of the Aging Behaviour of Stationary Lithium-Ion Battery Storage Systems for different Photovoltaic-Driven Applications in Low Voltage Grids. PVSec, 2015 mehr…
- Lifetime Analyses of Lithium-Ion EV Batteries. 3rd Electromobility Challenging Issues conference, 2015 mehr…
- New Charging Method to Avoid Nonlinear Aging of Lithium-Ion Batteries. Batteries 2015 2015 mehr…
- Innovatives Ladeverfahren zum Umgehen von nichtlinearer Alterung bei Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Fachforum Batterietechnik , 2015 mehr…