Lectures for the Chair of Electric Power Transmission and Distribution

Seminar Power Transmission

Lecturer (assistant)
  • Simon Niederle [L]
  • Mariano Dominguez Librandi
  • Reinaldo Tonkoski Junior
TypeAdvanced seminar
Duration2 SWS
TermWintersemester 2023/24
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline

Admission information

See TUMonline
Note: Topics for the seminar can be found under the following url: https://wiki.tum.de/display/hseevs/Hauptseminar+Elektrische+Energieversorgungssysteme To participate, write an e-mail during the registration period to mateo.lippich@tum.de. The e-mail should contain the following information: - Your favored topics - Your name, contact information and your matriculation number - Excerpt of grades You will be informed after the registration period if you were assigned to your desired topic. You will receive further necessary information by email after the registration.


At the end of the module, students can elaborate scientifically on a specific question in the field of electric power transmission and distribution and finally to present the results to an audience and to stand a relevant discussion. Besides, they can summarize the essence of a specific topic in written form, i.e. both in an abstract and an executive summary.


The module participants research independently current topics in the field of power transmission systems. The topics are provided with five statements about the main focus of the research. The participants present their results in a presentation and a scientific paper. The seminar consists of two mandatory appointments. During the first appointment, students should present their results. Afterward, they will receive feedback from the supervisors to improve their presentations. The final presentations will be held during the second appointment. A scientific report should be submitted as a summary at the end of the seminar.


Recommended requirements: - Fundamentals of electrical engineering - Fundamentals of power transmission

Teaching and learning methods

Each participant of the module elaborates an individual task in the field of interest. A supervisor (scientific assistant) is allocated to each participant. The supervisor supports the students by providing an introduction into the topic, by motivating to search for suiting and specific literature, by giving hints for the specific work, and the elaboration of the final presentation as well.

Recommended literature

No special requirement
