Winter term
- Bioseparation Engineering II @
- Membrane processes emphasized -
(Prof. Berensmeier)
VO: Thu, 10 - 11.30 a.m. | UE: Thu, 11.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. - Biotechnology for Engineers @
(Prof. Berensmeier)
Tue, 2.30 - 4 p.m. - Bioprocess Engineering
(Prof. Berensmeier)
VO: Mon, 9.30 - 11 a.m. | UE: Mon, 12 - 1.30 p.m.
Practical Courses
- Practical Training on Bioprocess Engineering
(Prof. Berensmeier and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Weuster-Botz and team)
see TUMonline
- Seminar Bioprocess Technology
(Prof. Berensmeier and team)
see TUMonline - Chromatography with ChromX - Simulation Lab Course @
(Prof. Berensmeier and team)
see TUMonline - Interdisziplinary Seminar with Chair of Medical Materials and Implants and
Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology
(Prof. Berensmeier, Prof. Mela and Prof. Lüth and team) - Seminar Bioseparation Engineering
Friday, 9:00 am | Seminarroom 0002 MEP, Lichtenbergstr. 4a, 85748 Garching
(Prof. Berensmeier and team) - Seminar Good Scientific Practice
(Prof. Berensmeier)
Summer term
- Bioseparation Engineering I @
- Adsorption processes emphasized -
(Prof. Berensmeier)
VO: Thu, 1 - 2.30 p.m. | UE: Thu, 3 - 4 p.m. - Interfaces and Technology of Particles
(Prof. Hinrichsen, Prof. Fischer, Prof. Haisch, Dr. Paula Fraga García)V: Thu, 12 – 14 Uhr, UE: Thu, 9-10 Uh
see TUMonline
- Preparative Chromatography
(Prof. Berensmeier and team)
see TUMonline - Particulare Nanotechnology
(Prof. Berensmeier and team)
see TUMonline
- Chromatography with ChromX - Simulation Lab Course @
(Prof. Berensmeier and team)
see TUMonline - Interdisziplinary Seminar with Chair of Medical Materials and Implants and
Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology
(Prof. Berensmeier, Prof. Mela and Prof. Lüth and team) - Seminar Bioseparation Engineering
(Prof. Berensmeier and team) - Seminar Good Scientific Practice
(Prof. Berensmeier) - Seminar Bioseparation Engineering meets Industry
(Prof. Berensmeier and alumni)
see TUMonline