Chengyu Wang

Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 15
Room 2727
85748 Garching b. München
Tel.: +49 (0)89 289 16677

Research Interests

  • Wind farm control
  • Large-eddy simulation for wind farm control

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2014: BSc in Automobile Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • 2017: MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität München
  • 2017-2021: PhD Candidate at Chair of Wind Energy, Technische Universität München


  • Wang, C., Campagnolo, F. and Bottasso, C. L. 2020 Identification of airfoil polars from uncertain experimental measurements, Wind Energy Science, Preprint under review for WES
  • Wang, C., Campagnolo, F. and Bottasso, C. L. 2020 Does the use of load-reducing IPC on a wake-steering turbine affect wake behavior? Journal of Physics: Conference Series
  • Wang, C., Campagnolo, Sharma, A., F. and Bottasso, C. L. 2020 Effects of dynamic induction control on power and loads, by LES-ALM simulations and wind tunnel experiments, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
  • Wang, C., Muñoz-Simón, A., Desko, G., Laizet, S., Palacios, R., Campagnolo, F. and Bottasso, C. L. 2020 Code-to-code-to-experiment validation of LES-ALM wind farm simulators, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
  • Emmanouil, M. N., Stefano, L., Clemente, D. J. B., Wang, C., Rotea, M., Iungo, V. I. and Bottasso, C. L. 2020 Vertical wake deflection for offshore floating wind turbines by differential ballast control, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
  • Emmanouil, M. N., Yilmazlar, K. Zanotti, A., Croce, A. and Bottasso, C. L. 2020 Wind tunnel testing of a wind turbine in complex terrain, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
  • Wang, J., Wang, C., Campagnolo, F. and Bottasso, C. L. 2019 Wake behavior and control: comparison of LES simulations and wind tunnel measurements, Wind Energy Science, 4.1: 71-88
  • Wang, C., Wang, J., Campagnolo, F., Carreón, D.B. and Bottasso, C. L. 2018 Validation of large-eddy simulation of scaled waked wind turbines in different yaw misalignment conditions, Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
  • Wang, J., Wang, C., Castañeda, O. D., Campagnolo, F. and Bottasso, C. L. 2018 Large-eddy simulation of scaled floating wind turbines in a boundary layer wind tunnel, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
  • Fortes-Plaza, A., Campagnolo, F., Wang, J., Wang, C. and Bottasso, C. L. 2018 A POD reduced-order model for wake steering control, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
  • Wang, J., Wang, C., Campagnolo, F. and Bottasso, C.L. 2016 Large-eddy simulation for a scaled wind farm facility in a boundary layer wind tunnel, In 4th Symposium on OpenFOAM in Wind Energy, May 2-4, 2016, Delft, the Netherlands.
  • An, F., Huang, J., Wang, C., Li, Z., Zhang, J., Wang, S. and Li, P 2016 Cell sorting for parallel lithium-ion battery systems: Evaluation based on an electric circuit model, Journal of Energy Storage, 6, 195-203.