Active Distribution Grids

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration2 SWS
TermWintersemester 2024/25
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline

Admission information


After attending the course, the student is able to: - Describe planning and operational issues of a distribution grid. - Be able to set up simple dynamical models of a microgrid using MATLAB. - Perform load flow analysis, - Design controllers for power electronic based microgrid operation,


Distribution grids are more important than ever due to the changing energy policies, as higher renewable shares at consumer level and advent of smart power electronic devices allowing bidirectional power flow. To understand the so-called Active Distribution Grid, one must first understand how they are traditionally planned, sized and operated. The lecture will then move to the concept of a Microgrid and how it extends the conventional paradigms. The individual component modelling and control philosophies for a microgrid will be studied. Tutorials will be provided for methods explained in these lectures. MATLAB projects will be part of some of these exercises to teach applicability of the concepts.


Fundamental knowledge in: - Electrical power systems, synchronous machines, balanced load flow - Power electronics, state space modelling, feedback controllers - MATLAB (required), LabVIEW (benefitial)

Teaching and learning methods

The lecture consists of video recordings of the presentations conducted by the lecturer. The recordings as well as presentation slides will be provided in Moodle before the lecture date. The tutorials take place in person and are also broadcast online. The whiteboard will be used to do calculations. The exercises’ tasks for the tutorials will also be uploaded in Moodle before each tutorial. A sample solution will also be uploaded. The tutorials require the participation of the students and it is recommended to bring laptops/tablets to run some code. Besides, the forum function in Moodle will be used as a platform where the students can ask questions and receive answers from both the teachers and the other students. Additional functions of Moodle (e.g. quiz) will be eventually used to support the students in understanding the content of the lectures. There will also be homework exercises that require the use of MATLAB. A final part of the lecture will be conducted in the CoSES laboratory as a group (3-4 students) activity. Students will be provided with the pre-installed computers for this part.


The module exam consists of a written exam that lasts 90 minutes. In the exam is evaluated whether the students understand the general concepts of active distributed grid planning and operation. A part of the exam consists of mathematical problems where the concepts taught in the lectures are applied to simple examples. The exam will be graded. Students are encouraged to solve the homework exercises, either alone or in small groups. The exercises will sometimes require a code fragment written in MATLAB. If a student submits all the homework in time, he/she will get a bonus of 0,3 in the final grade.

Recommended literature

Turan Gönen, Electric Power Distribution Engineering, 2015, CRC Press William H. Kersting, Distribution System Modeling and Analysis, 4th Ed., 2017, CRC Pres Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling, IEEE PES Task Force Report
